

  • New Decks!
  • Post author
    Adam Berti

New Decks!

Mystical Shaman Oracle

Legends say that before there was time, before there was language, there were the sacred symbols. The Medicine Wheel, the Curse, the Eagle, the Jaguar, and others spoke to us intimately. In their countless manifestations, they offered hope, expressed caution, illuminated opportunity, inspired creation, courted power, and shared knowledge. The sacred symbols belong to the realm of archetypes and the collective unconscious, the spiritual common ground shared by peoples modern and ancient.

Now, three master teachers and healers- Alberto Villoldo , Colette Baron-Reid , and Marcela Lobos - have brought their wisdom and talents together to offer a doorway into the realm of the sacred symbols with the Mystical Shaman Oracle . When you consult the oracle, you summon power and insight that can help you understand the present, heal the past, and influence the course of your future.

We can become our own prophets and visionaries. We can converse directly with Spirit, dialogue with the forces of nature, speak with the great archetypes-the ancient gods-without intermediaries. No one needs to stand between the Creator and you, or between you and the great powers of nature.

Spirit Animal Oracle


Internationally acclaimed oracle expert and best-selling author Colette Baron-Reid has created a unique oracle card deck that opens a gateway to Spirit through the archetypal energies of the living beings that share our planet.

Animals, Colette explains, are allies for our souls and act as our teachers and sacred healers--but our disconnected way of life has often blinded us to this truth. Now, however, our world is poised for a shift as we begin to hear a call to renew our sacred connection to all that is. The 62 cards in this deck are tools to enable our transformation.

Each animal, two-legged or four-legged, feathered or finned, from water, earth, or sky, has the potential to deliver a special message aligned with your authentic need, arriving at just the right time and place. Each carries a transcendent archetypal symbolism and offers a message of enduring truth to help you act in a way that brings purpose, prosperity, and magic to your life. Every card in the deck has an essential meaning (for Antelope Spirit, it's "Life is speeding up!") along with a detailed Oracle Message and a helpful Protection Message. Canary Spirit, Dragonfly Spirit, even Electric Eel Spirit--all have essential wisdom to impart, if you're ready to listen.

"Something magical is stirring in the heart of our beautiful planet these days," Colette tells us. "Can you feel it too?" If the answer is yes, you've come to the right place. 




  • Post author
    Adam Berti