Our beautiful 5 Elements prayer banner has been screen-printed with the affirmation:
May Earth support us, Air watch over us, Fire enlighten us, Water surround us and Spirit strenghten us.
The banner is made of 100% cotton and includes wooden dowels with a string for easier and effective hanging and display.
Size: 11 inches W. x 16 inches L.
Made in Bali.
Seven vividly colored chakra symbols pop against the black background of this exquisite banner. The colored symbols have been positioned vertically to represent the colors and energies of each of the chakras. The banner is made of 50% cotton and 50% polyester and comes with wooden dowels and attached string for display. This item is a best seller.
The 7 rainbow colors are associated to the chakras and the endocrine system. Violet, crown of the head, pituitary gland is our connection with universal energies. Indigo, middle of forehead, pineal glands represents forgiveness & compassion. Blue, throat, Thyroid gland is our physical & spiritual communication. Green, heart, thymus gland is for love and sense of responsibility. Yellow, solar plexus, adrenal gland represents power and ego. Orange, lower abdomen, pancreas gland is associated with emotion and sexuality. Red, base of the spine, gonads glands represents grounding and survival.
A stunning chakra banner with pocket flaps elegantly showcases the ornately printed seven chakra symbols in vivid colour on a white cotton background. You will certainly enjoy using the pockets to insert your most precious trinkets and treasures. The banner is made of 100% cotton and includes wooden dowels with a string for easier and effective hanging and display.
Size: 11.25 inches W. x 51 inches L.
Made in Bali.
The 7 rainbow colours are associated to the chakras and the endocrine system. Violet, crown of the head, pituitary gland is our connection with universal energies. Indigo, middle of forehead, pineal gland represents forgiveness & compassion. Blue, throat, thyroid gland is our physical & spiritual communication. Green, heart, thymus gland is for love and sense of responsibility. Yellow, solar plexus, adrenal glands represent power and ego. Orange, lower abdomen, pancreas gland is associated with emotions and sexuality. Red, base of the spine, gonad glands represents grounding and survival.
Seven vividly colored chakra symbols pop against the white background of this exquisite banner. The colored symbols have been positioned vertically to represent the colors and energies of each of the chakras. The banner is made of 50% cotton and 50% polyester and comes with wooden dowels and attached string for display.
The 7 rainbow colors are associated to the chakras and the endocrine system. Violet, crown of the head, pituitary gland is our connection with universal energies. Indigo, middle of forehead, pineal glands represents forgiveness & compassion. Blue, throat, Thyroid gland is our physical & spiritual communication. Green, heart, thymus gland is for love and sense of responsibility. Yellow, solar plexus, adrenal gland represents power and ego. Orange, lower abdomen, pancreas gland is associated with emotion and sexuality. Red, base of the spine, gonads glands represents grounding and survival.
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This striking black banner features the colors and symbols of the seven chakras. Each chakra has been inscribed with its own quote to follow for inspiration and healing. The banner is made of 100% cotton and includes pre-strung black dowels for hanging.
The 7 rainbow colors are associated to the chakras and the endocrine system. Violet, crown of the head, pituitary gland is our connection with universal energies. Indigo, middle of forehead, pineal gland represents forgiveness & compassion. Blue, throat, Thyroid gland is our physical & spiritual communication. Green, heart, thymus gland is for love and sense of responsibility. Yellow, solar plexus, adrenal glands represent power and ego. Orange, lower abdomen, pancreas gland is associated with emotions and sexuality. Red, base of the spine, gonad glands represent grounding and survival.
The Cherokee Prayer banner is made of 100% cotton and comes with wooden dowels and attached string for display.
The banner has been printed with the Cherokee Prayer: O' Great Spirit, help me always to speak the truth quietly, to listen with an open mind when others speak, and to remember the peace that may be found in silence.
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This burnt sienna banner has been screen printed with the quote, I honor the place in you that is the same in me. I honor the place in you where the whole universe resides. I honor the place in you, of love, of light, of peace and of truth. I honor the place in you that is the same in me. There is but one Namaste. The banner is made of 100% cotton and includes wooden dowels and attached string for display.
This beautiful banner showcases a few of the sacred Reiki symbols that are used by Reiki Masters and practitioners. Each symbol has a specific meaning and purpose. The banner is made of 100% cotton and includes wooden dowels with a string for easier and effective hanging and display. Size: 15.5 inches W. x 48 inches L. Comes from Bali.
Reiki is an ancient Japanese technique and a natural health method that acts on the physical, mental and spiritual levels. It is said to accelerate our healing process by strengthening vitality and freeing energy blockages. Reiki promotes relaxation, provides peace, serenity and deep joy.
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A stunning banner elegantly showcases white printed sacred symbols on black pocket flaps in which you can insert your most precious treasures. The banner is made of 100% cotton and includes wooden dowels with a string for easier and effective hanging and display.
Size: 11.25 inches W. x 51 inches H. Comes from Bali. Those accustomed or initiated to sacred symbolism will appreciate this unique inspirational banner.
This tranquil burgundy banner has been screen printed with a lesson from our four legged friend the cat. Here she reminds us that, Rest and relaxation are the keys to happiness. Stretching after a nap is highly recommended… The banner is made of 100% cotton and includes wooden dowels and attached string for easy hanging.
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Our Wolf Spirit Prayer Banner has been printed with the following prayer: Spirit of instinct and intelligence, Running through the landscape of dreams, Walk the night with me finding the solitary path of my true self. Show me how to hold my ground and defend my loved ones. Help me find balance... The banner is made of 100% cotton and includes pre-strung black dowels for hanging
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Banner Meditation Flower Of Life 15"X15"
Individual flags 28 cm width x 34 cm height. Span of flag 215 cm. Total length approx. 288 cm
This energizing pray flag features the colors and symbols of the chakras. Each flag is made from 100% cotton and hand printed. Prayer flags are usually placed outside, (when placed inside they tend to increase the spiritual vibration of the area) with time, the wind and the sun will erase the message as it reminds us of the impermanence of life. Life moves on, so do the flags! Please treat with respect.
The 7 rainbow colors are associated to the chakras and the endocrine system. Violet, crown of the head, pituitary gland is our connection with universal energies. Indigo, middle of forehead, pineal glands represents forgiveness & compassion. Blue, throat, Thyroid gland is our physical & spiritual communication. Green, heart, thymus gland is for love and sense of responsibility. Yellow, solar plexus, adrenal gland represents power and ego. Orange, lower abdomen, pancreas gland is associated with emotion and sexuality. Red, base of the spine, gonads glands represents grounding and survival.
This charming prayer flag features 10 Pagan symbols which have been hand printed on 100% cotton. Prayer flags are usually placed outside, (when placed inside they tend to increase the spiritual vibration of the area) with time, the wind and the sun will erase the message as it reminds us of the impermanence of life. Life moves on, so do the flags! Please treat with respect.
Pagans believe that there is no real beggining or end to the year, and that all life runs within the cycles of nature. It is within this calendar that these passages of time are marked, charted in a circle without end, reminding one of the natural progressions of the seasons and their connection to the life, death and rebirth cycle.
84” long