Botanical Name: Agrimonia eupatoria
Common Names: Church steeples, Cocklebur, Stickwort
Origin: Croatia
It is said that Agrimony magical herb protects against evil entities, and even poison.
It is thought when agrimony magical herb is aged, witches and other magical beings have this herb in both protection, exorcism, and divination however it can also be used in negativity magic and the black arts depending on your intentions.
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Botanical Name: Medicago sativa
Common Names: Chilean Clover, Buffalo Grass, lucerne, purple medic
Origin: United States
Used for rituals and spells to protect from poverty and hunger, best placed in a jar in the cupboard or pantry. Also, burn alfalfa and scatter the ashes around the property for this purpose. Also used in money spells.
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Botanical Name: Pimenta dioica
Common Names: Pimento, Jamaica Pepper
Origin: Guatemala
When used for rituals and spells, allspice can be used to attract money or luck. It can be used as an incense or added to incense mixtures. Allspice is also used to promote healing.
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Latin Name: Angelica archangelica
Common Names: Angelica Root
Origin: Bulgaria
Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy.
Angelica is a beneficial magical herb for your protection and healing spells and rituals.
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Botanical Name: Illicium verum
Common Names: Chinese anise
Origin: China
Star Anise is burned as incense to increase psychic awareness & abilities, placed on the altar to increase the power generated, and carried to bring luck.
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Botanical Name: Withania somnifera
Common Names: Winter cherry, Indian ginseng
Origin: India
Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy.
The name Ashwagandha is from the Sanskrit language and is a combination of the word ashva, meaning horse, and gandha, meaning smell. The root has a strong aroma that is described as "horse-like." Long revered as an Ayurvedic Remedy, Ashwagandha is believed to relieve stress, increase energy levels and improve concentration. Ashwagandha has a mythical reputation as a herb of longevity and an elixir of life. It is useful for all who wish to strengthen their Chi, the vital energy of the body. It helps to cope with excessive stress and will strengthen the power of endurance. It sharpens mental powers and enhances the memory and will be a valuable aid to those who are studying. Last, but by no means least, its aphrodisiac powers will be appreciated by those who practice tantra or sex magic.
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Botanical Name: Populus Spp.
Common name: Aspen, Poplar, Cottonwood
Use in anti-theft spells, and plant an aspe in your garden or field to be protected from thieves.
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Botanical Name: Laurus nobilis
Common Names: Sweet Laurel, Bay Laurel, Indian Bay
Origin: Turkey
Bay is used in clairvoyance and wisdom brews, although its taste is strong. Bay leaves are placed beneatht he pillowto induce prophetic dreams, and are also burned to cause visions.
It is a protection and purification herb and is worn as an amulet to ward off negativity and evil, burned or scattered during exorcism rituals, placed in the windowa to protect against lightning, and hung up to prevent poltergists from working any mischief in the house. A sprig of bay is used to sprinkle water during purification ceremonies, and the tree planted near the home protects its inhabitants against sickness. Bay leaves mixed with sandalwood can be burned to remove curses and evil spells.
Wisjes are written on bay leaves which are then burned to make them come true.
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Botanical Name: Myrica cerifera
Common Names: Bayberry, American bayberry, bayberry wax tree, myrtle, wax myrtle
Origin: USA
A New England tradition involves burning a Bayberry candle on dark winter nights to bring prosperity at New Year’s. The old saying goes, “A bayberry candle burned to the socket brings joy to the heart and gold to the pocket.” Give Bayberry candles as Yule gifts to pass the blessings on to friends.
Sprinkle Bayberry root around a burning candle to enhance money-drawing magick. Carry a piece of the root in your wallet next to your cash to ensure that your money will return to you.
When moving into a new home, dress a white candle with Bayberry oil and burn it on your hearth. The ritual is said to keep evil away and invite good fortune.
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Botanical Name: Trillium pendulum
Common Names: trillium, Beth, Indian Root, True Love
Origin: USA
Carrying trillium is said to attract money and luck to its bearer. The root of the trillium is also rubbed onto the bodt to attract love.
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Botanical Name: Cimicifuga racemosa
Common Names: Black snakeroot, Black bugbane
Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy.
It is said that Black Cohosh as a magical herb to strengthen courage in the meak. An infusion of the herb sprinkled around a room or added to the bath, is said to drive away evil presences.
Add an infusion to the bath to help in cases of impotency. Can also be added to love sachets.
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Black Salt is helpful in jinx removing; keeps away evil forces & bad neighbors. Black Salt is highly effective in protection rituals and spells as well.
You will receive 100g of black salt.
Latin Name: Fucus vesiculosus
Common Names: Bladderwrack
Origin: Canada
Generally gives protection to those at sea, or those who are flying over it. It is also used in sea spells to summon the spirits of the sea, by throwing it onto the waves and calling them. Use in any money spells. Use in a sachet to increase psychic Powers: and carry to protect against mental derangement. To attract customers, and bring good vibrations to your business, make a tea of the herb, and wash shelves, doors and floors with it. Also used to summon the spirits of wind or sea.
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Latin Name: cnicus benedictus
Common Names: Blessed thistle herb
Origin: Croatia
Blessed Thistle herb is effective in exorcism, hex-breaking, and in purification spells. Grown outside the home, this blessed herb is said to attract peace, love, and harmony.
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Botanical Name: Nymphea caerulea
Common Names: Blue Egyptian lotus, blue water lily, and sacred blue lily
Origin: Hong Kong
Magical Properties: dreaming, relaxation, protection & lock-opening
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Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy. Not to be used while nursing.
Botanical Name: Viola odorata
Common Names: Sweet Violet Flowers, Violas, English Violet
Origin: Albania
When flowers are carreid they offer protection against “wykked sperytis” and brings changes in luck and fortune. Mixed with lavender, they are a powerful love stimulant and also arouse lust. If you gather the first violet in the spring your dearest wish will be granted.
Ancient greeks wore the violet to calm tempers and to induce sleep.
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Botanical Name: Arctium lappa
Common Names: Lappa, edible burdock
Origin: China
Burdock is associated with feminine energies, Venus and the element of water.
Burdock is used in rituals, amulets and spells to ward off negativity and for general protection. It can be used in potions, ritual baths, incense and amulets. Also used for general healing.
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Botanical Name: Ruscus aculeatus
Common Names: Box holly, sweet broom, knee holly, pettigree, jew's myrtle, thorny fragon
Origin: Croatia
Butchers Broom is a protective plant and when hung around the home will protect against intense ill will and hatred. Sprinkle around the house or use in a wash to expel evil forces, poltergeist activity and hauntings.
Carry in a purple mojo bag to increase psychic powers.
Carry in a black mojo bag for protection.
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Botanical Name: Acorus calamus
Common Names: Calamus, Vacha, Bach Agri-turki, Baje
Origin: India
The seeds are strung as beads and used for healing, or the powdered root is used in healing incenses and sachets.
Small pieces of the root kept in all corners of the kitchen protect against hunger and poverty.
Growing the plant brings good luck to the gardener, and calamus is also used to stengthen and bind spells.
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Botanical Name: Calendula officinalis
Common Names: Gold-bloom, Marigold, Marybud, Pot Marigold
Origin: Egypt
Magical uses: Added to a bath it is said the help win the respect and admiration of everyone you meet. Scattered under a bed they protect you while you sleep and make your dreams come true. Carried in a pocket can help justice to smile favorably upon you while in court.
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Botanical Name: Eschscholzia californica
Common Names: Golden poppy
Origin: Croatia
Poppy seeds and flowers are used in mixtures designed to aid sleep. They are also eaten or carried to promote fertility and to attract luck and money. At one time poppy seed heads were gilded and worn as talismans to draw wealth.
The seeds are also added to food to induce love, or are used in love sachets.
If you wish to knwo the answer to a question, write it in blue ink on a piece of white paper. Place this inside a poppy seed pod and put this beneath your pillow. The answer will appear in a dream.
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Botanical Name: Nepeta cataria
Common Names: Catmint, Catnep, Catswort, Field Balm
Origin: Canada
If you use catnip herb for rituals and spells it is very good for creating a psychic bond with animals; power; courage; love and happiness.
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Botanical name: Juniperus virginiana
Common nanes: Tree of Life, Arbor Vitae, Lebanon Cedar, Red Juniper, Red Cedar, Pencil Cedar
Use to create sacred space (incense, wood shavings or oil diffuser). Keep a cedarwood wand above your door for protection. Sacred to the Goddess Brigit and used during Imbolc celebrations
Excellent wood to use for longevity and abundance talismans. Grounds and creates clarity during psychic readings.
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Latin Name: Matricaria chamomilla
Common Names: Chamomile
Origin: Egypt
When used for spells and rituals, chamomile magical herb is best used for marriage proposals; good luck gambling; prevents lightening strikes; prosperity; and meditation.
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Botanical Name: Stellaria media
Common Names: Addre's mouth, Indian chickweed, satin flower, starwort, stitchwort
Origin: Hungary
Carry or use in spells designed to attract love or to maintain a relationship.
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Botanical Name: Cinnamomum cassia
Common Names: Cassia
Origin: Indonesia
Cinnamon is a good addition with rituals and spells involving spirituality, success, healing, power, psychic powers, lust, protection and love.
It is said when cinnamon is burned as an incense, it raises high spiritual vibractions, aids in healing, draws money, stimulates psychic powers and produces protective vibrations. Cinnamon is also used in making sachets and infusions for these purposes.
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Botanical Name: Syzygium aromaticum
Origin: Sri Lanka
If you use cloves for ritual and spellwork they are good for protection, exorcism, love and money spells.
When burned as an incense cloves are said to attract riches, drive away hostile and negative forces, produce spiritual vibrations, and purify the area.
Cloves are burned as an incense to stop others from gossiping about you.
Worn or carried, cloves are said to attract the opposite sex and bring comfort to the bereaved.
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Latin Name: Tussilago farfara
Common Names: Coltsfoot Leaf
Origin: Croatia
If you use coltsfoot herb for your rituals and spells, use them prosperity, wealth, abundance, or even love based rituals and spells.
The Tussilago farfara is a wild flowering plant native to Eurasia that was introduced to the Western Hemisphere by settlers over the past 3-4 centuries. More commonly known as Coltsfoot (leaf of this plant resembles a young horse's hoof), Tussilago farfara looks a great deal like the common dandelion, but grows quite differently.
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Botanical Name: Symphytum officinale
Common Names: Slippery root, knitbone, blackwort, bruisewort, healing herb
Origin: Croatia
Use Comfrey in ritual and spellwork for safety during travel and money.
Worn or carried, comfrey is said to protect and ensure safety during travel. Also, tuck some into your suitcases so that they aren’t lost or stolen.
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Botanical Name: Symphytum officinale
Common Names: Slippery root, knitbone, blackwort, bruisewort, healing herb
Origin: Croatia
Use Comfrey in ritual and spellwork for safety during travel and money.
Worn or carried, comfrey is said to protect and ensure safety during travel. Also, tuck some into your suitcases so that they aren’t lost or stolen.
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Latin name: Centaurea cyanus
Common Names: Bluebottle, Bluebow, Hurtsickle, Blue Cap
Origin: Hungary
Cornflowers purported magical benefits include enhancing psychic abilities, fertility, love, sex, and abundance, The flowers are used to decorate alters and the dried flower is carried in sachets or amulets to attract lovers. It also make a wonderful mystical blue-colored handmade ink – which certainly has more magical properties than store-bought for use in hand-worked spell books, etc.
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Botanical Name: Turnera diffusa
Common Names: Damiane, oreganillo, Mexican holly
Origin: Mexico
Said to increase magical energy and aid in divination spells, Damiana leaf is also believed to be of use in dream magic and clairvoyance, as well as sex magic.
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Botanical Name: Trilisa Odoratissimus
Common Names: Carolina Vanilla, Carphephorus, Hound's Tongue, Wild Vanilla, Vanilla Leaf, Vanilla Plant
Origin: USA
Worn or carried, Deer’s Tongue is said to attract men. It is also sprinkled on the bed for this purpose. It is also said to aid the psychic powers if worn.
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Botanical Name: Echinacea Angustifolia
Common Names: Echinacea, Snake Root, Purple Coneflower
Origin: USA
Used to strengthen spells.
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Botanical Name: Sambucus nigra
Common Names: Black-berried European Elder, Boor Tree, European Elder, German Elder
Origin: Croatia
Use Elder Berries for rituals and spellwork involving protection, healing, faeries, purification, intuition, exorcism, hex breaking, and rebirth.
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Botanical Name: Sambucus nigra
Common Names: Elderberry, Elderberries, Black-berried European elder, European elder, German Elder
Origin: Croatia
Elderflower is used to protect yourself from spiritual and physical attacks, to protect a marriage and maintain fidelity and for physical healing.
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Botanical Name: Inula helenium
Common Names: Yellow Starwort, horse-elder, horseheal, scabwort
Origin: China
Use Elecampane Root in rituals and sprillwork involving love, protection and psychic powers.
Worn, elecampane attracts love. Sew up some of the leaves or flowers in pink cloth, or make a sachet. It is also carried for protection, and the herb smouldered on charcoal aids in sharpening psychic powers, particularly when scrying.
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Botanical Name: Eucalyptus globulus
Common Names: Blue Gum
Origin: India
Use Eucalyptus in rituals and spellwork involving healing and protection.
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Botanical Name: Epilobium Angustifolium
Common Names: Saint Anthony’s Laurel, Great Willowherb, Rosebay Willowherb
Origin: Europe
Used for Healing, Binding, Protection & Beauty used in spells & sachets
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Botanical Name: Potentilla erecta
Common Names: Cinquefoil
Origin: Poland
Use Five FInger Grass in rituals and spellwork involving money, protection, prophetic dreams and sleep.
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Botanical Name: Alpinia galanga (C/S and root)
Common Names: Galanga, Gargaut, Colic Root
Origin: China
Use Galangal in rituals and spellwork involving protection, love, health, money, psychic powers and hex-breaking.
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Botanical Name: Bellis perennis
Common Names: Bairnwort, Banwood, Banwort, Benner Gowan, Bone Flower, Bonewort, Bruisewort, Common Gowan, Dog Daisy, Double Daisy, English Daisy, Goose Flower, Gowlan, Herb Margaret, Lawn Daisy, Lockin Gowan, Luckin Gowan, Marguerite, May Gowan, Noon Flower, True Daisy, Woundwort
Origin: Macedonia
Sleep with a daisy root beneath your pillow and an absent lover may return to you.Worn, the daisy brings love.
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Botanical Name: Aframomum melegueta
Origin: Cote D’Ivoire
Common names: Grains of Paradise, Melegueta pepper, alligator pepper, Guinea grains, and Guinea pepper
Grains of Paradise are used in love, lust, luck and money spells and sachets. It is also one of the herbs used for wishimg. Hold some in your hands, make a wish and the throw a little of the herb to each direction, beginning in the north and ending in the west.
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Botanical Name: Crataegus monogyna
Common Names: May flower, quickthorn, whitehorn
Origin: Croatia
If you use hawthorn berries herb in rituals and spells, use them for best effect in healing and purification.
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Botanical Name: Crataegus monogyna
Common Names: May flower, quickthorn, whitehorn
Origin: Croatia
Use Hawthorn Leaf & Flowers in rituals and spellwork involving fertility, chastity, fishig magic and happiness.
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Botanical Name: Hibiscus sabdariffa
Common Names: Roselle, karkade, sour tea
Origin: Egypt
Use hibiscus flowers in ritual and spellwork involving love, lust and divination.
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Botanical Name: Ocimum tenuiflorum/Ocimum sanctum (Rama & Krishna), Ocimum gratissimum (Vana) Common Names: Holy Basil, Tulsi
Origin: India
For more than 5,000 years, Tulsi (also known as Holy Basil) has been revered as one of the most sacred herbs in India, infused with restorative power. Hindus view Tulsi as a goddess (a manifestation of Lakshmi) in the form of a plant bestowed with great spiritual powers. According to legend, no amount of gold could outweigh Krishna’s power, but a single Tulsi leaf placed on the pan in loving devotion tilted that scale. In India today, Tulsi is still traditionally grown in an earthenware pot in every family home or garden and the leaves are used to make a delicious and refreshing tea.
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