
The Divine Mine

Holy Grail Body Butter 120g

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The Divine Mine

Holy Grail Body Butter 120g

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Holy Grail:
[hoh-lee–greyl] An object or goal that is sought after for its great significance. Something that is wanted very much but is hard to get or achieve.

We can't possibly list all of the benefits that every ingredient has, but know that it was given as gifts to honour kings & deities for more reasons than we can imagine!

Throughout history the therapeutic oils in this ancient recipe have been used to help support health and wellness in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for more than 4000 years to help:
- Relieve chronic stress and anxiety
- Reduce pain and inflammation
- Boost immunity and prevent dis-eae in the mind, body and soul.

Massage a generous layer of Holy Grail Body Butter to desired area daily. Safe to use from head to toe. Ideal use on the bottoms of feet.

Frankincense, Myrrh, Lemon, Golden Turmeric & Clove Bud in a base of mango butter and Colour Energy’s Unscented lotion. Enriched with 100% pure, natural hep Seed, Coconut, St. John’s Wort OIls and Aloe Vera.

*According to numerous historians, many ancient scripts that referenced gold were in fact references to Turmeric.